Ringwood East OM:NI group [Older Men:New Ideas]

We meet on the first Thursday of each month at Cafe Emjay, 46 Railway Ave; Ringwood East, from 10am to 11am and the third Thursday of each month at the Bendigo Bank Board Room, 62 Railway Ave; Ringwood East, from 9.30am to midday

Ringwood East OM:NI group provides an opportunity for men, over 60 years of age, to meet one another in a small, but friendly, setting to simply talk about what is of importance and interest to them in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance, and confidentiality.

There are the occasional, informal outings and activities which are organised by our own members. Meetings have a $2 charge with no joining fee. There is no fund raising nor volunteering demands. The group is non political and non religious. 


EmJay cafe and Bendigo Bank Board Room,  46 and/or 62 Railway Ave,  Ringwood East 3135  View map

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